About Us

about us


WHITE HEAVEN SOLUTION GENERAL TRADING LLC is a global commodity trading and related-asset investment company, managed and operated by a diverse team of highly skilled experts with decades of experience. We bring a new and innovative approach to energy and commodity trading, supply chain, logistics, and services.

  • More than just transporting energy from areas of excess supply to where the need is, our operations play an essential role in fulfilling the promise of energy and opportunity for all.
  • Paramount to this is our culture, namely how we treat and value people – our employees, our partners and trading counterparties, the denizens of the countries where we operate, and the full spectrum of stakeholders that we touch with our actions and decisions.
  • We are connecting the dots, bringing together people, ingenuity and resourcefulness, and a vision of shared value and prosperity, to deliver energy products that help build successful businesses and communities.